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Ayanna Black
CANBAIA Ad Hoc Committee
Simon Njami
Austin Clarke
Learie Mc Nicolls
Geoffery Holder
Nkiru Nzegwu
D'Janet Sears
Salome Bey
Angela Lee
Clement Virgo
conference image
Phylis Walker
Chrystal Clements
Lloyd Pollard
David Zapparoli
Charmaine Lurch
Bushra Junaid
Stella Fakiyesi
Buseje Bailey
Deion Green
Alfons Adetuyi
Ricardo Keens Douglas and Djanet Sea
Dawn Wilkinson
Dominique Fontaine
Glace Lawrence and Cameron Bailey
Sylvia Hamilton pic
Afua Cooper
Mairuth Sarsfield
NathanielDett choral
Denese Mathews
Glace Lawrence
Addena Sumter Freitag
Cameron Bailey
Zab Maboungou
Henry Gomez
Itah Sadu
Stan Douglas
Gregory Isaac
Buseje Bailey
Ousemane Sembene
Lawrence Hill
Dionne Brand
Kim McNeilly
Vernal Banton - Music
Danian Vickers
Donna Lee Bolden
Sharron McLeod
Grace Channer
Stephen Williams
Karen Carter
Sherman Jones
Michael Chambers
Roland Jean
Starr Jaobs - Fashion -Textile
Carolyn Maitland
+ More to Come


CELAFI 1992 & 1997 Conference / Festivals in Celebration of African Identity brought together academics, artists, advocates and patrons from across Canada and around the world to present, and challenge each other in public discussion and pass on their métier in hands-on workshops.

More than 1000 artist participated in CELAFI 1992 & CELAFI 1997.  They came from Canada's many provinces and many parts of the international diaspora  and they served up the entire  range of creative disciplines and academic dialogue on the arts: Theater, Film & Video, Dance, Visual arts, Literature, Music, Oral tradition, Dub Poetry, Art History.

The landmark conference and festivals dug deep into the roots of Africa art aesthetics, and emanated the many thriving branches as they sprang forth and blossomed in every art form around the world. The follow is a comprehensive list of Contributors and Participants of CELAFI 1992 & 1997 Conference and  Festivals that we have collected and documented thus far.



The current contents of the CELAFI'25 Archive are drawn from Marva Ollivierre’s personal records with contributions from Orla Garriques and Betty Reynolds Clarke. We encourage you to keep the collection dynamic and evolving by contributing your own memories and/or archive of your personal art practice then and now, so making the invisible visible and our art history alive and vital in all its configurations.


CAN: BAIA (Canadian Artist Network: Black Artists In Action)

CAN: BAIA: A multidisciplinary organization of professional artists, cultural workers, curators, art educators and art enthusiasts committed to developing public awareness and appreciation of the fruit of diasporic African art.

1989 Founding Members: Ayanna Black, Cameron Bailey, Glace W. Lawrence, Chleo Onari, Vernon Eccles, Charles Gray, Adrienne Shadd, David Zapparoli, Karen Tyrell, Hazel Da Breo, Yasmin Newson, Marva Jackson, Janis Brangman, Errol Nazareth.

PATRONS: Bluma Appel, Salome Bey, Dr. Daniel Hill Sr., The Hon. Justice J.A. Isaac, Stephen Lewis, Leila Mackenzie, Beverly Mascoll, The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry

CELAFI 1992 Board of Directors:  Archie Alleyne, Ayanna Black, Dionne, Brand, Helen Brown, Dennis Bucchan, George Elliott-Clarke, Deborah Castello, Nick Cumberbatch, Hazel DaBreo, Pat Dillion, Vernon Eccles, Francine Gobia, Amah Harris, Fabienne Pierre-Jacques, Glace Lawrence, Nkiru Nzegwu, Angela Rebeiro, Michelle Lee Williams, David Woods.


CELAFI 1992 General Manager:  Angela Lee

CELAFI 1997 Board of Directors: Ayanna Black, Rodney Davis, Munyonzwe Hamalengwa, Phyllis Walker, Pat Dillion, Dominique Fontaine, Gerry Atwell, Haleyee Anderson, Jocelyn Boyde, Ras Aman Husbands,

CELAFI 1997 Administrative Team:  George Antony Aarons, Dawn Carter, Linda Dias, Orla Garriques, Pat Jeffries, Dawn Murray, Suzanne Anderson, Rhiannon Babineau, Iris Britan, Dario Busalino, Gavin Douglas, Lisa Littlefield, Cindy Siddhu, Fabeyne Mansecal, Julia Rosenberg,

CELAFI 1997 General Manager and CAN: BAIA Acting Administrative Director: Marva Ollivierre


REVUE NOIRE - African Canada




Simon Njami, Joel Desrosiers, Ayanna Black, Marva Ollivierre, Adrienne Shadd, Glace Lawrence, Cameron Bailey, Gabrielle Hezekiah, Andrea Fatona, Angela Lee, Harold Head,  Anne-Marie Hood, Zab Maboungou, Marva Jackson, Norman Otis Richmond, Klive Walker, Hazelle Palmer


ART (paintings, drawings, installations)                                           

Pedro Alderete, Jeffery Austin Gibson, Rose Anne Bailey, Hollis Baptiste, Antony Benoit, June Clarke, Gordon Christopher, Jan Crick, Ijose Chow, Chrystal Clements, Leslie Coleman, Stan Douglas, Ormsby Ford, Paulette Hawkins, Roberta Huebener, Donna James, Roland Jean, Majorie Joly, Serge Emmanuel Jongue, Artis Lane, Khadejha McCall, Kim Mc Neilly, Kineko, David George Morgan, Lilison, Loyd Pollard, Tony Reid, Ato Seitu, Yvon Villerceaux, Jan Wade, Tim Whiten, Carlyle G. Williams, Winson, David Zapparoli.



Buseje Bailey, Michael Chambers, Stella Fakiyesi, Sersge Emmanuel Jongue, Melinda Mollineaux, David Zapparoli

Ian Watson,



Clement Virgo, William Greaves, D. Millar, Lenny Littlewhite, Roger McTair, Jennifer Hodge de Silva, Selwyn Jacob, Christine Browne, Clair Prieto, Silvia Hamilton, Errol Williams, Glace Lawrence, Donna James, Selina Williams, Michelle Mohabeer, D. Douglas, G. Micallef, D. Brand, G. Stikeman, Nichole Thompson, Julia Browne Figuero, Andrew Davis, Monik Dofen, Peter Karuna, V. Rankin, Alfons Adetuyi, S. Sweeney, W. Cunningham, David Findlay, Buseje Bailey, A. Fatona, C. Wyngaarden, Clem Marshall, l. Allen, G. Samprogna, D. Roy, Cilia Sawadogo, Colina Phillips, Zan Chandler, Anthony Brown, Terrence Anthony, Dawn Wilkinson, Nadine Valcin, Lana Lovell, Jephte Bastien, Jason Romilly, Anthony Sherwood,


PERFORMING ARTS: (theatre dance, dub poetry)

Zelma Badu, Learie McNicolls, ahdri Zhina Mandiela, Colin Taylor, Addena Sumter-Freitag, Andrew Moodie, Black Theatre West, Theatre Wum, Joujou Turenne, George Elliot Clarke, Caribana,/Peter Minshall,  George Bwanika Seremba, Pauline Peters, Gerry Atwell, Black Theare Quebec, Len Gibson, Zab Maboun gou, John Allyne, Charmaine Headley, Junia Mason, Eddison B. Lindsay, Patrick Parson, Michael St George, Louise Bennett


WRITERS (literature, poets, playwrights, writers

George Elliot Clarke, Gerarde Etienne, Rudolph Allen, Michelle Anne Best, Sharon M. Lewis, Angela Lee, Ijose Chow, Bernadette Dyer, Henry St-Fleur, Rachele Hosten, Raymond Parkerr, Marlene Nourbese Philip, Anthony Phelps, Claude Pierre, Althea Prince, Rosemary Sadlier, Yvonne Vera, Itah Sadu, Mairuth Sarfield, Djanet Sears, George Saunders, Olive Senior, Karen Shaadevelyn, Makeda Silvera, Carol Talbot, Maxine Tynes, Frederick Ward, David Woods, Kleya Forte Escamilla, Norma De Haarte, Carol Camper, Nikky Finney, Adwoa Badoe,


PUBLISHERS (books, magazines, newsletters)

Sister Vision Press/Makeda Silvera, Stephanie Martin; Word/Phillip Vassell, Donna McCurvin; The Afro News/Michelle Lee Williams; Carribean Contact; Pride Newspaper/Michael Van Cooten; Share/Jules Elder;



Panic, Michelle Brown & Wade O. Brown, Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, Diana Braitwaite, Oscar Peterson, Alix Antony, Jamie Sparks,, Smoke, R. Nathaniel Dett, Adana-C, Almeta Speaks, Lorraine Klassen, Four The Moment, Jim Norman, Matthew Horner, Monte Horton, Pat Kilbride, Michael Schroer, Michael White, Salome Bey, Malaika, Orin Isaacs, Washington Savage, Eric Roberts, Bruce Skerritt, Michael Stewart, Dawn Cumberbatch, Christine Hamilton, Shannon Maracle, Jacintha Tuku, Saidah Baba Talibah,

Workshops, Conference Panels

CELAFI 1992 Conference Panels: The Black Line: African Canadian Architecture; The Creation ...of the African Canadian Odyssey; Ethos: Strategies of Discovery, Affirmation & Empowerment; Aesthetics of the African World - Russell Gordon, Samella Lewis, Mary Jane C. Hewitt, Rowland Abiodun, Chukwuma Azuonye; African Legacy In 20th Century Art and World Civilization - Maurice Bryan, Francoise Pfaff, Terry Jenoure, Jeff Donaldson, Ousmane Sembene; African American American Aesthetics - Willis Bing Davis, Cornel West, Barry Gaither, Floyd Coleman, Fred Wilson, Tony Martin; African Canadian Aesthetic Impulse - Francine Gobia, Jim Adams, George Ellitot Clarke, Henry Bishop; Metissage and Caribbean Creole Cultural Constructs - Austin Clarke, Horace Campbell, Leroy Clark, Carlyle Matthew; Art in Cultural and National Identity - Carolyn Maitland, Kinshasha Conwill, Emmauel Arinze, Mairuth Sarfield; Icon And Images of African Heritage Art - Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Khadejha McCall, Kwaw Ansah; Feminine Perspectives in Art - June-Clarke Greenberg, Valerie Maynard, Chinwe Uwatse, Buseje Bailey, Mikelle S. Omari-Obayemi; Inspiration, Spirituality and  Creativity, - Rosalind Jeffries, Floyd Sandiford, Varnette Honeywood, Houston Conwill, Estella Conwill, Mojozo, Joseph Depace; Bridging Continents, Embracing Cultures - Koko Amarteifio, Carroll Parrot Blue, Evangeline Montgomery, Eric Robertson, Stan Douglas; Lesbian And Gay Aesthetics - Dionne Brand, Faith Nolan, Robert Reid Phair, Cheryl Dunye, Marva Pitchford Jolly; Faces And Phases: Yoruba Group & Individual Identities- A.G. Adebayo, Olufemi Vaughn, Femi Taiwo; The Pen Panel;

- Cecil Foster, Jack Mapanje, Martha Kumsa, Dany Laferriere, Ademola Olugebefola; Late Night Sessions Clyde Morgan, Anilia Soyinko,


Conceptualization & Design;  Nkiru Nzegwu, Professor of Africana Studies and Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture at Binghamton University, New York.

CELAFI 1997 CONFERENCE PANELS: African Canadian Art: The Historical Legacy; Visionary Pan-Africanism through the Eyes of Artists: Issues for the 21st Century and Beyond; Beyond "Primitivism": Defossilizing Contemporary African Art; On the Highway or at the Curb: Art and the New Technologies; Identity, Loyalty and Belonging: Transgressing "Blackness'"; The Medium is the Word; Ooohwee Baby, You're So Good!!; African Canadian Contemporary Art: Defining the Aesthetic; Media Representation and Cultural and National Identities; The Business of Art and the New Millennium.


Conceptualization & Design; Adrienne Shadd, Historian, Curator, Author- The Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on Africa and its Diasporas - York University, Toronto

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Curators, Programmers, Coordinators,

Curators, Programmers:  Nikiru Nzegwu, Rosalie Smith Mcrea, Simon Njami, Cameron Bailey, Marva Ollivierre,  Bushra Junaid, Roxana Farrell, Alana McKnight, David Zapparoli, Scott Marsden, Buseje Bailey, Alice Jim, Denese Matthews, Djanet Sears, Adrienne Shadd,  Orla Garriques, Francoise Pfaff, Glace Lawrence, Derek Bascom, Carol Ann Agard, Chole Onari, Kobèna Aquaa Harrison, Carlos Mondeseir, Karen Carter

Coordinators: Angela Lee,  Marilyn Jung, Chleo Onari, Marilym Ki, Pamela Shum

Co-curator/Assistant Programmer: Pearl Bowser, Susan Oxtoby




Visual Artists, Photographers, Sculptors, Designers ... 1992 & 1997

Leslie Coleman, Hollis Baptiste, Chrystal Clements, Anthony Benoit, Gordon Christopher, Pedro Alderette, Roberta Huebener, Daniel (Kineko) Ivic, Jan Crick, Roland Jean, Paulette Hawkins, Jeffrey Austin Gisbson, Artis Lane, Lilison, Ormsby Ford, Khadejha McCall, Tony, Lloyd Pollard, David George Morgan, Yvon Villmarceaux, June Clark, Kim McNeilly, Jan Wade, Carlyle G. Williams, Winsom, Tim Whiten, Marjorie Jolly, Ijose Chow, Andrea Fatona, Rose Ann Bailey, Lloyd Pollard, Leslie Coleman, Michael Chambers, Buseje Bailey, Yvon Villaceaux, Lilison, Roland Jean, Chloe Onari, Grace Channer, Aubrey (Neil) Brathwaite, Ayanna Black, June Clarke-Greenberg, Roland Bastien, Stan Douglas, Jim Adams, Dennis Awang, Januario Tomas Sousa Corderio, Carlyle Matthews, Carline Pierre-Jacques, Denyse Thomasos, Houston Conwill - Joseph De Pace Estella Majozo, Louis Delsarte, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Jon Onye Lockard, Valerie Maynard, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Ademola Olugebefola, Keith Washington, Olu Amoda, Chinwe Amoda, Moyo Okediji, Serge Emmanuel Jongué, Kirk Moses, Rose Ann Bailey, David Zapparoli, Michael Chambers, Stella Fakiyesi, Melinda Mollineaux, Neville Clark, Shawn Skeir, Nicole Pena, Amir Shingray, Sherman Jones, Kofi Kayiga, Keith Agard, Ali Hosein, Barbara Prezeau Stephenson, Akiba Kiiesmira, Akosua Bandele, Arlene Case, Ato Seito, Babatunde, Carl Owens, Habiba Owens, Carol Campbell, Dana Easter, David Kibuuka, Foluki Nangwalla, Glen Simmons, Gloria Knsara, Hazel Green, Issac Oja Fajana, Jacqueline Cully, Jamal Mims. Joan Butterfield, Khali Keyi, Marvin Sim, Michael Brown, Nike Olaniyi Davies, O'Neal Abel, Pat A. Moore, Phyllis Walker, Ruby Otway, Saihou O Nije, Sammy Senanu, Veronica Ciandre, Kevin Virgilli, Akiba Kilesmira, Lillian Allen, Donna-Lee Bolden, Chrystal Clements, Marie-Denise Douyon, Tanya Hamilton, Paulette Hawkins, Donna James, Charmaine Lurch, and Melinda Mollineaux.


Acknowledgements: African Canadian Council; African Canadian Caucus, Halifax,; Harambee Centres Of Canada; Mairuth Sarsfield; Anastasia Kaunda; George Elliot Clarke; Allan Mackay; Richard Rhodes; Veronica Uwechia, Maurice Bryan; Margarita Sanchez, Deborah Britzman, Marilyn Desmond, Carole Boyce Davis, Madonna Larbi, Marilyn Jung, Scott Marsden, Ingrid Mayrhofe, Collen Craig, Rebecca McGowan, Napoleon Jones-Hednderson, Don Bell, David Skyrca, Carl Lavoy, Robert Ballantine, Laura Lavoy, John Tamblyn, Vince Cannon, Pat Jeffries, Beverly Mascoll & Beverly Mascoll Community Foundation, Matthew Howlett, Jacqui Lewis, Natasha Smith, Brent Orenstein, Grace Hill,

Film & Video 1992 & 1997

CELAFI 1992 Film and Video Directors:  Alfons Adetuyi, ON; Jennifer Hodge de Silva, CAN; Roger McTair, CAN; Kwaw Ansah, Ghana; Bill Gunn, USA; Christine Brown, ON; Andrew Davis, ON; Donna James, Nova Scotia; Nicole Thompson, BC; Claire Prieto, ON; Sylvia Hamilton, Nova Scotia; Selwyn Jacob, Alberta; Julia Brown Figuereo, Quebec, Glace Lawrence, ON; Clarence Hamilton, ON; Debbie Douglas, ON; Gabrielle Micallef, ON; Jim Banks, ON; Errol Williams, New Brunswick;  Ousemane Sembene, Senegal. Ian D. Farquharson


CELAF1992 Film & Video Screening Hosts: Canadian Film Centre (CFC), Harbourfront Centre Loft, Harbourfront Centre Studio Theatre, Cinematheque Ontario,


CELAFI 1992 Film & Video Presenters: Canadian Artist Network: Black Artist in Action (CAN: BAIA), and the NCA Third International Conference  on The Arts.              


Co-presenters:  Cinematheque Ontario, Black Film & Video Network

CELAFI 1992 Film & Video Funders and Sponsors: CUSO, Telefilm Canada, Canadian Film Centre, Canada Council Media Arts, Arts Award Service, Canada Council, Ontario Arts, Council, Ontario Film Development Corporation, National Film Board of Canada, Harbourfront Centre, Canadian Artist Network: Black Artist In Action (CAN: BAIA)

CELAFI 1992 Film & Video  Acknowledgements: Cameron Bailey, Claire Prieto, Andrea Fatona, Glace Lawrence, Mamadou Seck, David Sutherland, Karen Tyrell, Richard Fung, Juanita Anderson (NCA), Julie Crooks, Mimi Mathurin, Adrian Callender, Fidelis Unnah, Toussaint Farrell, Opang Senkyre, Rick Amis, Ayanna Black, CAN: BAIA Staff, FESPACO Staff - Burkina Faso, Filmi Doomireew Staff - Senegal, Professor Fred Case, Gerry Flahive, Marc Glassman, Debra Henderson, David McIntosh, NAFTI-Ghana, New College, University of Toronto, Myriam Niang, Francoise Pfaff, John Sharkey, James Weyman, V-Tape

CELAFI 1992 Film & Video Distributors: New Yorker Films - NY; African Diaspora Images - NY; Film Afric Ltd. - Accra; Atlantic Independent Media - Halifax, NS; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation-Toronto, ON; V-Tape - Toronto, ON; Cinema libre - Montreal QC; Syncopated Productions - Toronto, ON; New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-op-Fredericton, NB; National Film Board of Canada-Toronto, ON; Alfons Adetuyi - Toronto, ON; CFMDC - Toronto, ON; Nicole Thompson - Vancouver, BC; Prieto-McTair Productions - Toronto, ON; Selwyn Jacob - Edmonton, ALTA; Glace W. Lawrence - Toronto, ON; Clarence Hamilton - Johannesburg, SA


CELAFI 1997 Film and Video Directors: Dawn Wilkinson, Yvonne Webon; Zan Chandler; Nadine Valcin; Cheryl Dunye; Nicole Thompson; Selina Williams; Palesa ka Letlaka-Nkosi; Joanne Burke; Tsitsi Dangarembga; Jason Romilly; Stephen Williams; Mark Block; Richard Wright; Colina Phillips; Alfons Adetuyi, Antony Sherwood; Terence Anthony;Dduduzi Mokgakala; Clement Virgo;

CELAF1997 Film & Video Screening Hosts:  Jackman Hall, The Art Gallery of Ontario; National Film Board of Canada(NFB), John Spotton Cinema; Gekko Restaurant; Harbourfront Center Studio Theatre

CELAFI 1997  Film & Video Presenters: Canadian Artist Network: Black Artist IN Action (CAN: BAIA)

Co-Presenters: Black Film & Video Network; Cinematheque Ontario; National Film Board of Canada; Ontario Centre and Gekko

CELAFI 1997 Film & Video Public & Private Sector Funders: Department of Canadian Heritage; Canada Council; Ontario Arts Council; Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto; Toronto Arts Council; Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation; City Toronto's Economic Development Partnerships; Human Resources Development Canada; Secretary of State; Bank of Montreal Nesbitt Burns, Sporting Life, Hume Reproduction Centre

CELAFI 1997 Film & Video Acknowledgements: Cinematheque Ontario, National Film Board of Canada; X Unlimited Corporation; V-TAPE, Gekko Restaurant; Andrea Fatona, Cameron Bailey, Harbourfront Center

CELAFI 1997 Film & Video Distributors: Third World Newsreel, USA; Shades of Black Productions, CAN; Women Make Movies, USA; Moving Images, CAN; Catalyst Films, South Africa; DSR Inc, US; CFMDC, CAN; Canadian Film Centre, CAN; Norstar, CAN;  Golconda Media Inc, CAN; Video Out, CAN; Antony Sherwood Productions, CAN; Cineplex Odeon, CAN;



Dance: Companies, Soloist, Choreographers, ... 1992 & 1997

Len Gibson Ensemble, Matsimela,  Zab Maboungou, Nysta Nysta, John Alleyne, Learie Mc Nicolls, Coba, Ballet Creole, Deborah Castello-Karikari,  Usafiri Drum And Dance Ensemble, Latinomotion,  Patrick Parson, Louis Mcwilliams, Zelma Badu, Kim Mcneilly, Andrea Douglas, Donal Carr, Rosina Bonsu, Group Bassan

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Writers, Aurthors, Poets, Dub Poets, Storytellers - 1992 & 1997

RN: Joël Des Rosiers, George Elliott Clarke, Gérard Etienne, Rudolph Allen, Michelle Ann Bess, Rachel Hosten, Sharon M. Lewis, Angela Lee, Ijose Chow, Bernadette Dyer, Henry Saint Fleur, Sister Vision Press,


Molara Ogundipe-Leslie - Norma De Haarte, Afua Cooper, Cyril Dabydeen, Lawrence Hill, George Elliot Clarke, Austin Clarke, Nigel Darbasie, Rozena Maart, Ayanna Black, Claire Harris, Cecil Foster, Makeda Silvera, Frederick Ward, Dany Laferriere,  Nkiru Nzegwu, 

Acknowledgements: Premier Of Ontario Bob Rae, Rae, Metropolitan Toronto Council, Chairman Alan Tonks, President NCA, Carolyn Maitland, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Minister Communication Perrin Beatty, Minister External Affairs Barbara MacDougal, Mayor City Toronto June Rowlands, Geoffrey Holder,


Austin Clarke, Paul Savoie, Pat Jeffries, Barbara Berson, Maya Mavjee, Rebecca Vogan, HarperCollins, Roberta Morris, Judith Fitzgerald,

Theartre, Actors, Playwrights, Directors

Mc Nicolls, Zhina Mandiela, Colin Taylor, Addena Sumter Freitag, Riot, Black Theatre West, BTW, Joujou Turenne, Whylah Falls, Pauline Peters, Dirk McLean, Alwin Bully, Calvin Butler, Amah Harris, Mapopa Mtonga, Marcia Brown, David Collins, Marcia Williams, Djanet Sears, Kevin Sinclair, Jesse Cook, Nise Malange, Think Theatre/New York, Jeff Henry, Nomadlozi Kubehka, Emerita Emerencia, Ricardo Keens-Douglas, Jean Small. Anilia Soyinka

Music; Vocalists, Composers, Intrumentalists, Groups, Bands 1992 & 1997

Almeta Speaks, Lorraine Klassen, Four The Moment, Jim Norman, Salome Bey, Dub Poetry, Malaika, Fréres Guisé, Djolof, Thomas Mapfumo, The Blacks Unlimited, Randy Weston, Terry Jenoure, Dream Warriors, Mzwakhe Mbuli, Four The Moment, Lamine Suso, Love & Sas, Top Secret, Carlton Vaughn, The Trinity Singers, Ebony Sound Crew, Lorraine Scott, Faith Nolan, Afropan, Stewart Goodyear, Kola Owalabi, Kunle Owolabi, Music Africa, Ian Jones, Louis McWilliams, Earl La Pierre, Elton Jones, R.P. Rap, Earl Wong, David Trotman, Michael Kounou, Lamine Suso, Debbie Johnson, Diana Braithwaite, Ghetto Soul, East Coast Regional Mass Choir, Diva & Daughters, Kardinal Offishal, Motion, Carlos Morgan, D.Js Paul E. Lopes, Jason Palma, Mike Tull, Curtis Smith; Michelle "Boo Boo" Brown, Panic, Paulo Romoa Group, Gospel on the Harbour-Youth Outreach Mass Choir, Powerhouse Fellowship Soul Choir, Clairmont Humphrey, Karen Carter, Highest Praise, Sharon Reilley and Faith Coral, Vernal Benton

Youth Programming, Participants @ CELAFI 1997

Suite Life: Links and Changes: Multi-disciplinary Theatre - Melissa Armstrong, Stephanie Edwards, George Evans, John Gangasingh, Sherwin James, Georgiana Jean Pierre, Tara Lush, Sandra Riodriques, Kanika Russell, Courtney Simon, Asha Stone, Cris Welch, Devi Dahl, Faith Jagon, Brandy Henry, Donia Sadd, Amy Jones, Charlene Browne, Natasha Cornwall, and NAGOMA (Kemar Scarlett, Keyesha Francis, Shaleeka Scarlett, Yohance Francis)

The Story Book Hut: Yoruba Folktales; All God's Children Wear Traveling Shoes: African Canadian Storytellers launch 


Child's Play: Ritual African face painting, clowning..; Celebration Community Gallery: Examination of Unique Cultural Celebrations - children art exhibition ages 8-12; Canadian Short Films-Phat Phlix: Experimental film and video works by young aspiring filmmakers - ages 8 plus; Tam Tam Jam: Grand Finale - Bring your own drum and "moves"

Acknowledgements: TBC

Host, Funders, Sponsors, Partners 1992 & 1997

CELAFI 1992 Hosts Presenters: Canadian Artist Network: Black Artists In Action (CAN; BAIA), Harbourfront Centre for the Arts, Canada; and National Conference of Artists (NCA), USA

CELAFI 1992 Private & Public Sector Sponsors: A Space GalleryArthur Andersen Inc, Arts Awards Service Canada Council, Bank Montreal, Black Film & Video Network, CKLN/FM, Canadian Auto Workers, Canadian Film Centre, Canadian Labour Congress, Cinematheque Ontario, CUSO, Canada Council Media Arts, Department Communications,Harbourfront Centre, ICI Canada, Leila MacKenzie, Manhattan York Financial Corporation, Marva Ollivierre, Metro Textiles Inc., Ministry Citizenship, Ministry of Culture and Communication, Federal Ministry of Multiculturalism & Citizenship, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, Music Africa, Ontario Federation of Labour, Partnership Africa Canada, PEN Canada, Playwright's Union of Canada, Telefilm Canada, The Canada Council, The Chairman's Office of Metropolitan Toronto, The City of Toronto, through the Toronto Arts Council, The Commonwealth Foundation, The National Film Board of Canada, The Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Film Development Corporation, Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Toronto Onyx Lions, Toronto Transit Commission, Xerox Canada, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (BLACK CAP)

CELAFI 1992 Partners: AWIFAV-Ghana, FESPACO-Burkina Faso, Filmi Doomireew-Senegal, NAFTI-Ghana. New College University Toronto, V-Tape, Association of Gospel Music, Music Africa, Theatre in A New Key, Pages Book Store, Stingrays Restaurant, Stitsky Fabrics, The Art Bank, Thompson Printing & Lithographing, Toronto Photographers Workshop, Union of Poets, Women's Art Resource Centre, Work Seen,

CELAFI 1997 Host Presenter:  Canadian Artist Network: Black Artist In Action (CAN: BAIA) Toronto

CELAFI 1997 Partners & Sponsors: Harbourfront Centre Corporation, A Space Gallery, Art Gallery of Ontario, Thames Gallery (Chatham), Royal Ontario Museum,`Cinematheque Ontario, Phat Phlix, Gallery 44, YYZ Gallery, Theatre Passe Muraille, Young Peoples Theatre, Canadian Stage Company, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Fresh Arts, Revue Noire (France), Rivoli, Top of the Senator, The Rex, Montreal Bistro, Cameron House, Bamboo, The 360, Yuk Yuk's, Yoruba Community Association, The African Canadian Storytellers Group, St Christopher House, Doe Eye Productions, The Bethel Worship Centre, The Nubian Disciples, The Storytellers School of Toronto, Roots Production (Winnipeg), Playwrights Union of Canada,Sister Vision Press, Women's Art Resource Centre, Beat Factory, Hot Steppers Productions, Imaj Music, Black Business and Professional Association, Black Film & Video Network, Canada Council Visual Arts Program, The Centre For Race and Ethnic Relation At York University, The Chatham Daily News, Dan Miller The Investors Group, Peelee Island Winery, Good Food Connection, Capital Printing,

CELAFI 1997 Funders: All levels of the Canadian government including the Department of Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Human Resources Development Canada, City of Toronto Economic Development Partnerships, City of Chatham.  Additional support came from the private sector


HarbourFront Centre for the Arts-The Photography Gallery; Royal Ontario Museum; Art Gallery Ontario; A Space Gallery;  Gallery 44; Gallery YYZ; Thames Gallery - Chatham; Power Plant; Canadian Film Centre (CFC;  Harbourfront Centre-Loft; Harbourfront Centre-Studio Theatre; Art Gallery Ontario-Jackman Hall; National Film Board of Canada(NFB)-John Spotton Cinema; Gekko Restaurant; WestBury Hotel

CELAFI 25 - Start-up Team

To Start Something - Often we just need a push:

Marva Ollivierre, Orla Garriques, Betty Clarke and the angels who stepped in to help push CELAFI'25 into drive mode;.  Sandra Andrews/Digitization; Jennifer Noble/Text Edits;  Dennis Rindsem/Video Footage; Cherise Solomon/ CELAFI'25 Engagement Coordinator & Researcher

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